The first thing to do is make sure the kitten is warm. Newborns are supposed to be between 95° F and 99° F. It is very important for the temperature not to drop lower then 94° F as metabolic shock will death could occur. Use of old towels and a cardboard box will work to begin with. Look at the overall kitten health to check the eyes, nose and ears for pus or discharge. This could indicate the kitten is in need of a vet.
Pedialyte, the same as given to humans will hydrate the kitten and keep it from going into shock. After the kitten is warm, you can try to feed with K.M.R., which can be found at most local pet stores. Using a syringe, eye-dropper or bottle feeding will be necessary for the fist three weeks or so. Then change diet to canned kitten food mixed with K.M.R. To help wean a bottle feed kitten, make a mush or milkshake mixture.
The first six weeks are very important in a kittens life. The kitten is very susceptible to threats of fleas and URI’s and other kitten illnesses. This time also develops the charter and personality. You are almost able to notice growth day by day. As the eyes open around nine to fourteen days of age, the kitten can not see very well. The pupils do not dilate and contract very readily so try to keep them out of bright light. New born kitten care will require the mother cat or the caregiver to stimulate the digestive elimination process as the kitten will not do this on their own until around week three as their digestive systems are developing.
Raising kittens is a very rewarding adventure. The kitten health is very important. It is very important to have a vet that you can depend on. The kitten should receive the first set of shots around eight weeks and the second set about three or four weeks after that. Treatment of fleas and testing for worms around the eight week period will help to ensure good kitten health.
A good guide for kitten care can be obtained from your vet and is a good start on a healthy way of life for your kitten. As the kitten matures into a full grown cat, you will soon experience and enjoy a relationship from a very unique personality. Some simple steps in the first weeks of development can ensure a happy cat for years to come. Of course you can find kitten adoption agencies is another way to find your special kitten. You would be able to ask for specific brand of kitten such as the more common siamese kittens or the persian kittens. Also you will be able to find the less common kittens like the munchkin kittens or the ragdoll kittens. There are plenty of agencies that are in the business of breeding cats for kittens.
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