It is hard for cat owners to see their friend suffer from any disease, and the side effects of the medications for treatment. A campaign for awareness of side effects of chemotherapy and radiation is currently being conducted.
As with any disease, cancer has a cause, even though medical science does not know what that cause is. Suspected causes are environmental, vaccine related and diet is concerns for cancer in cats. Certain drugs for autoimmune diseases in cats are even seen to partially be to blame, as they are metabolized in the liver into cancer causing agents.
There are 3 conventional treatments available for cancer in cats. These include chemotherapy as well as radiation and surgery. The chemo and radiation are seen to most as a type of poison that has far reaching side effects. Surgery may not be an option for every case, as cancer is not always detected in time. Once it is diagnosed, it is normally too late to use surgery as an option for treatment.
Natural approaches and alternative medicine says that conventional drugs only treat symptoms and do nothing to aid the cause of the cancer, which is generally a weakened immune system. These holistic approaches say that the healing must come from within, and so they treat the animal completely, and not the cancer alone. Alternative remedies help internal healing and stimulate the self-healing while recharging the cat.
900 cats took part in a 10 year study with a natural diet for health and production of healthy offspring. One set of cats took in only milk and raw meats, while another set was given only cooked food. The set that took in cooked food developed allergies and many other health problems while the next generation was not able to reproduce. If giving only cooked food makes this wild a change in cat health, there is no telling what commercial diets with added stimulants and preservatives will show.
The number one killer of pets is now cancer. The need to understand the internal and environmental agents that cause cancer continues. It makes sense that corrective measures and preventatives should be taken so that the environment favorable to the carcinogens is not able to survive long.
Homeopathic or herbal cancer treatments for dogs and cats as well as other alternative medicines take a holistic or natural approach, and insist on natural diets. The idea behind this is all species have average body conditions that need a certain diet so it is best suited to health. Their vulnerability to disease is aided by feeding them what is easier and more convenient for us.
Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.
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