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Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to Make Cat Grooming Easier

Regularly grooming your pet cat help lessen hair ball problems and will make the fur of your cat look more healthy and shinny. Usually, cats love to be groomed but not all cats enjoy it. This article aims to help pet owners to make cat grooming easier. However hesitant your cat maybe to grooming you can still find ways to make it enjoy grooming. One way is to take advantage of upir cat's natural enjoyment of human contact. Even if you have a very aloof cat it also enjoys petting. Read the following pointers that you should remember in order to make grooming session with your cat will be stress free and enjoyable.

Reasons why your cat doesn't want to be groomed:
• Your cat has sensitive part of her body
• Dominant personality

First of all, you need to understand why your pet cat dont want to be groomed. Just like you, pets also has their sensitive parts and this is one of the reasons why your pet dont want to be touched or groomed. Another reason is injury. If your pet has injury or in pain it will most likely run away from you when you try to groom it. That's why it is advisable to check your pet's body to know which part of his body is sensitive or if your pet has any kind of injury. Once you know those areas then you can avoid it when you try to groom your pet but just make sure that you stop whenever your cat is starting to feel irritated. Thinking of other ways how to groom your cat like what I already mentioned can help your cat think that grooming is also pleasurable for him.

A cat that havent experienced that much grooming before is another tough case to break. You should slowly work your cat to get it used to grooming or even petting or giving it rewards after grooming can be very effective. Cats with dominant personally can also be reluctant to grooming. This kind of cat will usually refuse when someone is petting them or touching their head and other parts of their body which makes it hard to groom.

Understanding why your pet doesnt want to be touched or groomed can help you come up with ways on grooming your pet easier. Figure out what irritates your pet and from there try to come up with ways to make your pet love grooming. You should aslo take note how long your pet usually takes before it get upset or irritated when you are grooming it so that you will know when to stop. When your pet is starting to get tense or irritated you should stop grooming it this way you can avoid making your pet hate grooming activity.

Here are additional tips that you can try when grooming your cat.
• Groom your pet before feeding that way you can use the food to your advantage by making it as a reward to your pet for behaving well.
• Let your pet play with your grooming tools so that he can be at ease with those tools once you are using it unto him.
• Alternately comb your pets hair using your hand and grooming tool so your pet can feel more relaxed.
• Cats are more likely to be more relax during afternoon which also makes it the perfect time for grooming sessions.
• Use the right tools for the right job. Specialized grooming tools available in the market for your pets.

When you follow these tips and advices, you can be sure that you will have peaceful, enjoyable and stress free grooming session with your pet.

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